Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit, and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission: Baptism is the sacrament of regeneration through water in the word. Catechism of the Catholic Church 1213
St. Mary Baptism Guidelines
Parents of the child need to be registered, active and contributing members of the St. Mary Parish for 6 months prior to the beginning of Baptism preparation.
The following information has been provided to help parents understand the process of having their child baptized in the Catholic Church. The guidelines below should be helpful with preparation for the Sacrament of Baptism at St. Mary Parish. Please read these guidelines carefully and notify the Parish Office at 970-352-1724 with any questions or concerns.
DID YOU KNOW? The sacraments were instituted by Christ and belong to the divine deposit of faith! Therefore, only the supreme authority of the Church can approve or define what is needed for their validity.
1. Baptism must be properly prepared for by the parents of a child who is to be baptized, and those who are to be sponsor(s) (godparents). They must be instructed on the meaning of this sacrament and the obligations attached to by attending the required "baptism preparation class", held in the Parish Center, 10:00 a.m. every first Saturday of the month. (unless otherwise noted in the bulletin)
2. Online pre-registration is appreciated before attending the class at www.stmarygreeley.org or forms filled out in the Parish Center Office, during the week(s) prior to attending the class. Registration will also be done after the class is over or come early at 8:45 a.m. Please try to attend the class without your child.
3. Parents and Godparents are asked to attend the class on the same date if possible. A class date and proof of attendance sheet must be signed. Letter of Baptism class attendance must be submitted to instructor if class not attended her at St. Mary. A letter of validity for your attendance at St. Mary class (should you baptize in another parish) will be given you upon your request. (Church Seal on Letter) for validity.
4. Baptisms are celebrated on Sundays after the 11 o'clock Mass and begin at 12:15 p.m. Please be on time. Please schedule the baptism two weeks after the class you and the godparents attended.
5. Please ask celebrant if taking photos is appropriate.
6. All documents required for your child's baptism must be completed and received by the Parish Office before requesting a "Baptism Date". Call 970-352-1724 to verify all forms are complete.
7. For an infant to be baptized lawfully it is required that the parents, or at least one of the parents, or the person who lawfully holds their place, give their consent. There should be a realistic hope that the child will be brought up in the Catholic faith. If such hope is truly absent the baptism is to be delayed and the parents advised of the reasons. If the parents are not living the Catholic faith it is doubtful the child will be brought up Catholic.
8. A sponsor (godparent) must be at least 16 years of age. They must be Baptized, have Holy Eucharist, have been Confirmed, have received Reconciliation. The must live their life of faith according to the laws of the Catholic Church and be in full Communion of the church.
9. You need only one (1) sponsor - male or female. If you have two sponsor's you will need one of each (male and female). The sponsor(s) may not be under a canonical penalty either declared or imposed. Examples: married outside the Church or cohabiting with a partner. Parents of the child may not be sponsors for the child. It is not recommended that Grandparents be sponsors.
10. If you are divorced and have custody of your child, your divorce has no bearing on the child's sacraments.
11. Scheduling; if you are requesting baptism during a Mass, prior approval by the Pastor must be received by you contacting him in advance of the baptism date. Otherwise, the baptism will be celebrated on Sunday after the 11:00 a.m. Mass. Contact the Parish Office at 970-352-1724 Monday - Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. to schedule the Baptism.
12. Sponsor - "appreciation stipend" at the baptism if you wish. (a "thank you").
13. No baptisms during Lent (Pastor approval needed for exception)
14. A sponsor (godparent) is a person(s) that will assist the child presented for baptism to live a Catholic life by assisting the parents in teaching him/her the faith and duties inherent in baptism. To help the parents in the continued education of all sacraments when possible, especially at the sacrament of Confirmation.
15. A Christian witness is welcomed but not entered on the certificate as a godparent.
Based on the information above, please pre-register online or complete the registration forms available in the parish office, prior to attending the Baptism class. The certificate(s) will be made upon completion and approval of all forms/letters received. The scheduled Baptism date will then be entered.
Every effort will be made to ensure your child's baptism is a special moment in your lives, as well as the lives of other family members. Therefore, please call the Parish Office at 970-352-1724, Monday - Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. with any questions or concerns regarding this process, and we will be glad to assist you!.
On behalf of the St. Mary Parish Community, Staff and Fr. Wojciech Gierasimczyk, Pastor, we would like to congratulate you on your child's baptism and welcome him or her with "open arms" into the Catholic Faith.