Baptism Certificates
Every student must have their Baptism and Birth Certificate turned in to the RE office at the time of registration. You need to contact the parish where your child was Baptized and request a copy from them if you cannot find your certificate. If your child was Baptized at St. Mary you still need to provide the certificate copy to the RE department. If your child was baptized somewhere outside of the U.S. you must provide the full mailing Church address. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Alfie Rael in the Religious Education office by email [email protected] or by phone 970-352-1724 x 430.
Called to Protect for Children
Called to Protect for Children is a special class that we will be teaching as a regular part of Religious Education. An informative letter regarding this class will be sent home with the children so you will have the information needed to evaluate what will be taught in the class. If you decide not to send your child to this class, an “opt out” form will be made available. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Alfie Rael in the Religious Education office by email [email protected] or by phone 970-352-1724 x 430.