Part of being an active member of St. Mary Parish is volunteering, besides all the liturgical volunteer ministries, we also have the following ministries in need of your help. You may call the individual listed or complete the form and submit it.
Funeral Ministry: The parish offers space for you to host your luncheon to all parishioners loved ones at their funeral (if space is available).
Church Cleaning: Although we have a professional cleaning service, we still need help to do the personal touches to make our church a profound worship experience. To help with this ministry please call;
Linens: Wonderful parishioners take the altar linens on a weekly basis and make sure that they are clean and pressed. This is a very important ministry to make the altar ready for the Holy Sacrifice of Mass. To volunteer call:
Flowers: Every week we need volunteers to select flowers for the church. St. Mary's worship space should be warm and inviting. To volunteer call:
The "Christmas" Event: We have the "Giving Tree" to gather Christmas gifts for children and seniors in our community in need. Volunteers in all aspects are needed for the wonderful, fulfilling event. To volunteer please call the Parish Office at 970-352-1724.
Fall Festival: The annual Fall Festival is the biggest fundraiser for the both the parish and the school. The event includes; Oral Auction and dinner, Silent Auction, Children's Carnival, Sidewalk Grill, Pork Roast Dinner, raffle and a "surprise" event on Saturday evening. This event takes lots of attendance, volunteers and donations. To volunteer please call the office; 970-352-1724 or Sharon McCabe 970-302-6217. Submit form below
Religious Education Teacher: This rewarding position teaches our youth in our faith. The commitment is 2 hours weekly during the RE season (September - Mid-May). To volunteer please contact Alfie Rael by email [email protected] or by phone 970-352-1724 x 430
Confirmation Teacher: This rewarding position teaches our youth to be prepared for the sacrament of Confimation. The commitment is 2 hours weekly during the class preparation and the annual Confirmation Retreat. To volunteer please contact Alfie Rael by email [email protected] or by phone 970-352-1724 x 430.
Youth Ministry: This ministry needs help for events as well as at weekly group meetings. Please call Parish Office at 970-352-1724.
Money Counters: The money counters work in teams of at least three individuals. The team counts the offertory on Monday afternoons. We have four teams who rotate, each team counting one Monday a month. If you are interested in this ministry contact Parish Office, 970-352-1724.
RCIA - Sharing our Catholic Faith and the Gospel is a beautiful experience. Consider evangelizing and supporting those who want to join our faith as follows: Catechist- meets weekly during the RCIA program to facilitate a small group with teaching, studying the Catechism of the Catholic Church and/or Sacred Scripture and faith sharing. Sponsor - the RCIA sponsor mentors and supports the Catechumen or Candidate answering questions, explaining our faith, rituals, traditions and serves as a spiritual friend. Additionally the sponsor invites and befriends the RCIA candidate to parish activities so as to help them feel fully included in the community. Breaking Open the Word - helps the RCIA student understand scripture when they are dismissed after the homily during Mass. Friendship Ambassador - this is a very easy, natural ministry that requires just as much time as you have available, you simply call a RCIA candidate and invite them to something (Mass, coffee, parish function, adoration, lunch, a walk in the park, movie, a casual friendly encounter). Call: Deacon Frederick Torrez 970-352-1724
Adult Faith Enrichment - we will have many opportunities. Feel free to generate suggestions related to spiritual or faith formation needs within our adult community. Call: Parish office, 970-352-1724